(A leadership training and mentorship programme)

Female Reporters’ Leadership Fellowship
Tentative training dates: Tuesday 2 to Friday 5 July 2019
The Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ) invites applications from female Nigerian professional journalists (fulltime or freelancer) who have a passion for ethical journalism, are committed to excellent professional media practice, possess great ideas to lead dynamic improvements on the practice, and have at least three years’ experience in the newsroom, for the 2019 Female Reporters’ Leadership Fellowship.
Application deadline: Tuesday 4th June 2019
The Female Reporters’ Leadership Fellowship is a programme designed to equip female journalists with the skills, finesse, support and tools to take bold steps that will help position them for the highest leadership positions in their various media houses. In addition to the overall objectives, the programme also mobilises a network of female journalists, who are oriented for leadership. In addition, it creates a train-the-trainer team who better appreciate the importance of mainstreaming gender in news. The exposure will entail a four-day training, three-month mentorship, two share-fairs and fellowship assignments.
Applicants must demonstrate commitment and promise to be considered.
Applicants living with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
Application Form
[quform id=”5″ name=”2019 FJLF Application”]